Funakoshin deler skyerne

Funakoshin deler skyerne

Nippon Karate

Nippon Karate

Masatochi Nakayama JKA Dojo kun


Kalligrafi af Masatochi Nakayama JKA, til opsætning i Dojon eller hjemme.

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Størrelse: ca A3:


Dojo er et sted, hvor vi dyrker karate, men den bogstavelige betydning af Dojo er et sted, hvor eleverne søger at finde livsstilen. Kun betyder "lektion", "undervisning" eller "vejledning".

Dojo Kun betyder et sæt retningslinjer, vi kan bruge til at søge livets vej gennem udøvelse af karate.

I klubber, hvor Dojo Kun reciteres, sker det i slutningen af træningen efter mokuso (meditation) og før bukningen.

Der er der mange oversættelser af Dojo Kun.

Det følgende er af Asai Shotokan Association (Master Asai (1935 – 2006)). (kalligrafien læses fra højre mod venstre)


1 Jinkaku kansei ni tsumomuru koto: (Seek perfection of character)

Jinkaku 人格 – one’s character, self
Kansei 完成– to perfect, complete
Tsutomuru 努むる– to try, make an effort

2 Makoto no michi wo mamoru koto: (Be faithful)

The English translation of this kun is misleading. This second kun is the most difficult one to translate to describe its full meaning. This is because "makoto 誠" has a complex meaning. It covers all the meaning of to be sincere, the truthfulness, genuineness.

Mamoru 守る– to protect, uphold

The better translation may be "We uphold the way of genuineness and truthfulness", meaning as a karate-ka we must be always truthful and the character we are striving for must be genuine.

3 Doryoku no seishin wo motomuru koto: (Endeavour)

Doryoku 努力– effort, endeavour
Seishin 精神 – will power, discipline, spirit
Motomuru 求むる– to seek, search

The better translation may be "We cultivate the will power to strive harder". What is important is not only we need to make an effort to do better but also to build a strong will power.

4 Reigi wo omonjiru koto (Respect others)

Reigi 礼儀– courtesy, etiquette, good manners
Omonjiru 重んじる– to value, respect, honour

So it means we not only need to show respect to others but also to keep courteous manners at all times.

5 Kekki no yu wo imasimuru koto (Refrain from violent behaviour)

Kekki 血気– literal meaning of this word is "youthful ardour" but typically it means hot temper or overly excited emotions (especially anger).

Yu 勇– courage, bravely
Imashimuru 戒むる– to admonish

This kun can be explained as "we discourage the foolish bravely or hot temper coming from uncontrolled emotions".

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